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2024 Crime Prevention Conference 

Day 1 Presentations 

Co-Creating Community Safety & Well-Being: Meaningful Collaboration & Engagement 

Felix Munger 

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Gender-Based Violence Survivors Panel 

Sarah Sherman & Colette Martin

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Day 2 Presentations 

Introduction to Community Safety and Well-Being 

Felix Munger 

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Working Towards Change Symposium

Dr. Mary Ann Campbell, Jessie Doyle, Olivia Reilly, Narissa Rodgerson & Dr. Marie-Andrée Pelland

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Portage: Treating Addiction in Youth through a Trauma-Informed Lens

Kyle Bolt & Melanie Steeves 

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Restorative Justice in New Brunswick

Kelsey MacDonald 

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Mi'kmaw Legal Support Network

Liam Gould 

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The SNAP® Program in New Brunswick: An Evidence-based Program Reducing Gun and Gang Violence 

Kristal LeBlanc 

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Men's Experiences of Dometic and Intimate Partner Violence 

Dr. Catherine Holtmann, Daryan Dort, Darian Curtis, Mia Stewart & Libby Howatt  

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Strength at Home: A Trauma-Informed, Evidence-based IPV Prevention Program 

Amy Fitch 

(Presented by Kristal LeBlanc)

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Day 3 Presentations 

Igniting Change Using Science and Success

Dr. Irvin Waller 

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Integrated Service Delivery for New Brunswick Youth 

Jessica Forbes (Panelists: Bill Innes, Diedre Smith, Todd Cormier & Kim Foster)

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